Writing diary entry and its importance✍


A diary is like is our best friend or partner keeping all secrets and untold stories. It reflects our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. So, it is a well-organized form of our life experiences with the proper date and time mentioned.

It can be written periodically day by day, depends upon you. I always write a diary only on special occasions or on special days and days when I am blue. Diary entry also helps introverts to open up fully. 

If you are thinking to start a diary entry. then here’s the format and some tips on the same-


  • Date, Day & Time- From the line on the left-hand side, writing the date, day & time of the event. 
  • Salutation- Write salutation after writing Dear Diary
  • Body of the Diary- It is the body of a diary written in the first person.
  • Name
  • Signature- It is optional.



Before starting with the diary, you should know the following:-

  • What to write, as if you should have a topic on which you will write, like love, family, etc.
  • Date and time are important because the entry will become a forever memory for you.
  • Always remember to write naturally, friendly, and openly.


My experience-

I have been writing entries when I was like 10 years old. And now it had been a long time doing the same. Writing a diary makes me feel relaxed and very comfortable in sharing my thoughts with someone who will never judge me and will be there for me when everyone else had shut their doors! 

To be very honest, I do read my entries when I am a little bored. Yeah! Sometimes it is OKAY to live in the past. 


Bottom lines-

Since I have been writing diary entries for a long time, I would suggest you could proceed with the same if you want someone to share memories with and to save such memories for the future. And it is really a help for introverts. Hope I helped you in some way!

Image source- www.google.com
